If you are...
1. Holding a Bachelor’s degree or above
2. Excellent English speaker
3. Having related teaching experience over two years
And you are willing to...
1. Teach kids of 2-6 years
2. Work five days a week (daily fixed half-day teaching hour + office time)
3. Attend to this new position Feb., 2024
You’ll get...
1. Salary 16-20K/m after tax (basic salary + class fee)
2. Weekends off and free housing
3. Half paid winter holiday 2 weeks
4. Extra income if classes in early-age education or English training center are accepted
5. 6K family visiting allowance after one year contract fulfillment and renewal
6. Z Visa, Insurance
Please kindly send your resume and short self-intro video to Celine.
Thanks a lot!